Unanswered Questions
What's up with Anna?
Jennifer, have you graded those exams yet?
Heather in Peru for what?
Stellio's job and martial arts skills?
Cathy and Cheryl trip to Europe?
Rain barrel fun?
Erin's dad's weightlifting?
Jennifer's mega tv?
What's up with Anna?
Jennifer, have you graded those exams yet?
Heather in Peru for what?
Stellio's job and martial arts skills?
Cathy and Cheryl trip to Europe?
Rain barrel fun?
Erin's dad's weightlifting?
Jennifer's mega tv?
Posted by
Sparkling Squirrel
9:35 AM
I actually talked to Anna yesterday. I don't know what to post, because I don't want to speak for her. But she is stressed about the dissertation writing process and could use a verbal hug. She and Nate are actually in Lawrence today and tomorrow, but their schedule is very very very tight. I am hoping to get to see her for a few minutes while she is here.
Yes the exams are graded - biostats had an average of 77%. Thanks so much to Cheryl (who is my GTA) and my UTA for helping me get this done on Friday. The bio 100 exams are also graded and my TA's for that class are getting the grades entered into blackboard. Fun times I tell you.
Oh - I guess I did not tell you about our new TV. A few weeks ago Steve's folks came for a visit. Apparently distressed by our lack of TV reception, the went out a few days later and bought use a flat-screen, high definition, digital tv (LCD not plasma). See, with the digital TV you can pick up the digital versions of the broadcast channels plus some additional channels that are broadcast only digitally. So now, we get most of the local stations in perfectly clear. They brought the TV to us the following weekend. It is actually really cool - for watching storms or basketball. Plus there is a local all weather channel. The problem is that we have nowhere to put our other tv.
Anyone in the market for a old-fashioned non-digital TV?
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