Car AND dog wash
I just had to share this with you guys. Maybe it's a brilliant idea -- I just think it's hilarious.
I'm glad they don't wash the car and the dog in the same assemblage. I don't think a dog would like a rolling windscreen scrubber going up its nose!Just tie the leash to the bumper and go on through!
I think it would be quite handy. Probably cheaper than Pawsh wash. When Rusty needs a bath, I put him in the shower with me. He mopes, but stays put. Sally would freak! I tied her to a chair outside of Z's downtown, went in for my coffee, and a guy came in to get me b/c the wind blew the umbrella on the table, scaring Sally and making her drag the chair across the patio.
I imagine dragging the chair just freaked her out more!
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