Monday, March 12, 2007

Basketball Coach Hair

As the NCAA tournament has been on campus, Jeff and I have attended many basketball games over the last three days (and another tonight). Sitting around for 5 games (and not giving up one's precious seat) leads to things like observations of female basetball coach hair. One team has coaches who have middle-aged lesbian athlete hair (curly, short and style-less). One team had a coach with beautifully coiffed hair. The rest have my hair cut: below shoulder-length, all one length, no bangs, parted on the side. Most also let it hang uninhibited (the one pony-tail looked silly because it was too high of a pony-tail and made her look like a 40+ woman with no-body-hair trying to look like a player, and the one with a little top bun looked fine, if out of style). Which leads me to some tough questions: Is my haircut in style? Am I alone in being completely unable to teach (much less coach basketball) with it hanging unimpeded? Do I look as foolishly flat-haired as some of these women? Why did it look like a great cut on one head coach and so foolish on the assistant? (color? cut? head coach blow in some body and use products before finishing flat?). I need a hair cut so these are sorta pressing issues. I'm wavering between fully admitting that I do not do my hair and claiming that I might or should.


Jennifer said...

Tell them you are a wash and go kind of gal. They can cut is so it looks nice without a lot of fuss. Well, at least the last time I got a haircut the did tha and it worked out well.

I too cannot stand teaching without my hair pulled back in some way, even if I know it looks dumb.

Maybe I will get a haircut this week as well.
Good luck.

Abby said...

I also need to have my hair pulled back when doing work. More often then not, it's all pulled back in a ponytail. I also use pigtails which sometimes I feel like I shouldn't but they serve a very practical purpose - they are great for taking some of the volume out of my hair the day after I've washed it (because my hair is often huge after washing). I really don't understand how people in my lab can leave their hair down all the time.

But I've discovered that sometimes wearing earrings makes me look less dumb when my hair is pulled back (As a result, I've started to wear bigger earrings more often).

Abby said...

Oh, and I need a haircut too. I keep thinking that I'm going to go and stuff keeps comming up.

Debbie said...

I've given up on my hair, and waver between feeling frumpy and not caring. The wide hairbands are in style and I like those. A woman at church on Sun. came over to me (left her pew!) and said I looked so pretty with the headband. Yikes. I hadn't showered that morning so just stuck it back in that. So if it's all random, why try and worry.

Earrings on the otherhand... Why do we wear earrings? Who started this? Even us women that don't get all gussied up everyday still wear jewelry danging down on either side of our faces. What's up with that? The 2nd piercings were a form of rebellion for me - got them as soon as I moved to NE and was really on my own for the 1st time. And other body piercings might be a sort of rebellion. But dangling shiny things hanging off our head?

Irene said...

I agree with Abby's observation about earrings... I don't know why, but they change the whole 'overall appearance' much more than you'd expect two small objects to do. They don't even have to be big or dangly.

I'm in much need of a haircut, but I'm procrastinating because I can't make up my mind whether I want it 2 inches shorter, or whether I want to grow it out and just get it trimmed and shaped so it looks better while it grows.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

I'm totally for earrings visually and anti actually wearing them. They just make my ears itch (if not bleed) and I can't wear them for a whole day or more than once a week.