Love the new layout - whose handywork is this? I haven't posted much lately and thought it would be nice to do an update.
1) I have two job interviews coming up - both are for visiting professor positions. Both are at small liberal arts schools (I am not trying to be mysterious, but should I mention the names here, would it be unprofessional if someone were to google me and tracked me to this website). I am flying out on Tuesday for the first one (in Ohio). Hopefully I have a better time of it than Erin did.
It's interesting, for both of these positions I have to give a teaching presentation, not a research presentation. For one I am lecturing on Hardy-Weinberg (thankfully - I have lectured on this before and really like this material). For the other - I think it will be flatworms. Maybe Cnidarians, but flatworms are grosser and for some reason I really like the gross out factor.
2) I also have another good job prospect - a two year visiting professor of PLANT ECOLOGY position in the KC area. I really hope to get an interview for this position.
3) Some of my lettuce and spinach seedlings apparently survived the frost.
4) I got a haircut yesterday and my hair is very, very short. Maybe I'll post a picture later in the week.
5) This morning (like at 5 am) Lily was running around wildly in the bedroom and knocked over our full-length mirror. Luckily she was not hurt and mirror only has a small crack in it. I would not have been happy about cleaning up shattered mirror glass at 5 am.
Lily says hi.

6) The weather is FINALLY warming up around here.