Back from Jamaica
Why won't all the photos show?The photos are back! I thought it was just my computer not showing them. There's a bee on the impatients! Carleen is at Hellshire Beach new Kingston, where I think only locals go. I'm at the hotel at Negril, and the food is my 1st meal that Carleen made: boiled green bananas, yams, and akcee and saltfish, the national dish.
I'm Back! Now I wish I was still in Jamaica - the beaches were great! Next time, I'm sticking to beaches and ecotours. I guess my visit to Kingston and Spanish Town was like someone coming to the US and only seeing inner city Detroit. And someone informed me of how much the blue mt. coffee is in the states, so $15/lb for fresh on the spot was a great price. The export 90% of it to Japan. There's the picture of the rasta guy and the coffee.
Hi Sally's Sister, Glad you're back and that you had such a good time at the beaches :) For some reason I can't see the photos that you mention... perhaps it is just taking time for them to appear on line?
Hi SS,
Wish I could hear your KBS talk about your trip! I enjoyed the photos, although several do not appear for whatever reason. I'm sure Sally and company are glad to have you back.
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