Saturday, October 13, 2007

How I know I'm a biology teacher

I saw many many piles of scat on the trail last weekend (more about our trip on Sparkling Squirrel Blog) and after deciding that despite it's "plop" nature, it had to be bear (how many deer could have diarrhea at once on the same trail?), I did not think "Oh, the bear is going to get us," or "Oh, I should watch out so I don't walk in all this bear poo." Instead, I thought, "Oh goody, moldy bear scat! That will be a great addition to my fungus and decomposition lecture!"


Sparkling Squirrel said...

Not all of it was moldy, by the way, some of it was glisteningly fresh.

Beth said...


Irene said...

Cool! Too bad you didn't see the bear. From a distance, that is. Even a biology teacher would probably rather not see one at close range.

Jennifer said...

Maybe just a glimpse of the bear from far away. Moldy bear scat - if I ever doubted your biology nerdy-ness (which I have not), this would make me a believer again.

Debbie said...

Maybe bears poop in my garage - I see this once in awhile.