Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And another week passes...

Abby's swimming, Molly's sea kayaking and T.T. is hiking in Pima Canyon. Meanwhile I'm walking up and down the stairs in my school building and Irene is walking to and from the train and around the lab. How was your fitness week last week?


Sparkling Squirrel said...

I made my step goal and did one round (of a goal of two) of non-stepping of exercise.

Tucson Trekker said...

Came very close to meeting my goal. But...Man! I was just considering scratching my goal for today because I'm tired. I'll let you guys inspire me, though, and go on a walk. (It's only 85 degrees right now -- high will be in the LOW 90's -- it's finally cooling off a bit here!).

Erin said...

I got my pedometer (finally)! I think my goal is going to be at least 8,000 steps a day (kind of wimpy but probably realistic). I guess my weekly goal should be a little higher. Maybe 60,000 is a good place to start. After last week's check-in, I did 25 minutes of yoga (to assuage my guilt). But I would like to do this twice a week.

Jenny said...

I got a pedometer but haven't been wearing it consistently yet. I am glad to have to check in and admit this because now I'll be better about monitoring my steps. I have been riding my bike around town lots, though, and would like to add walks for fun.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Erin, 8,000 is not whimpy at all ('cause, well, it's more than my daily goal, so I have to think that. My weekly goal is higher [77,000] but on days when I don't walk to work I really need to push it to make my 7,000).

My guilt has not made me do crunches yet, but maybe I will this weekend since SS is so mean and I can't disappoint her.

Oh, I'm with you on the giving up alcohol. Actually, I tried to give up alcohol and caffeine and start a new school year and the results were neither pretty nor successful.

Beth said...

My goal is 6000 for the moment and so far the only day I made it was the day that I missed the last bus in the morning and had to walk a mile to the next stop and then because of full busses got to walk back that evening. sigh. So I guess I need to try to move more. However, I'm taking the stairs at work so many of my steps are stairs. I'm hoping that as the puppy starts sleeping through the night I'll do better...