"Yes and fatty acids"
An answer to the quiz question, "Proteins are one of the four major types of biological molecules. Name two of the three others."
"Yes," indeed. I have no idea what that means but it makes me laugh.
An answer to the quiz question, "Proteins are one of the four major types of biological molecules. Name two of the three others."
"Yes," indeed. I have no idea what that means but it makes me laugh.
Posted by
Sparkling Squirrel
5:17 PM
Labels: Teaching
Hello everyone, this is Tim posting under Jenny's name. Since it is Burns Night tonight, and many of us had spent previous Burn's Nights in each other's company, I felt the need to post.
I hope everyone is doing well! We are looking forward to some "warm" weather of around 32 degrees on Saturday. We have been cross-country skiing a bit around Ames, taking advantage of the snow, but otherwise have kept quiet since the holidays. I've finally been finishing some manuscripts off, and I finally feel that I'm making some progress on my backlog of writing. I have also been applying for some jobs with some nibbles but no fish yet in the boat.
Jenny and I miss all of you. I don't know if this has been most people's experience, but we have not made such close friendships post-Lawrence as when we were in Lawrence. I've talked to some other professors and post-docs here, and most people agree that it is a lot harder to make friends after graduate school. Well, to end with Burns, "Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne! For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne. We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, for auld lang syne."
Posted by
10:23 PM
Labels: haggis, memories, Scottish festivities
Just to let those of you that knew Meg know, Nora Raab-Daly was born on Tuesday at 5 am. Both she and her mother are doing fine. I haven't seen the new addition yet but I hear she is really cute.
On another note, check the following link to read about one of the most bizarre plagiarism cases ever.
Romance novels and Ferrets!
Posted by
12:47 PM
So I'm supposed to be at school in my office getting ready for Monday - the start of classes. Instead I'm at home neither working on classes or working on my faculty officer work but surfing on the Chronicle of Higher Ed (and playing with the puppy). But I found on Miss Mentor's site a funny question and answer.
Question: If I get tenure, will I feel (a) ecstatic, knowing They do love me; or (b) sad, fearing I'll lose all ambition forever; or (c) relieved, seeing as how I got by again, and they still don't know I'm a total fraud?
Answer: Yes.
I thought that we would appreciate this question even if its reality is farther away that we'd like.
Things are going well with me just busy. I presented at the National Association of Biology Teachers and the Society for Integrative Biology meetings in November and January. Our 7.5 month old puppy is 100 lbs! He's very cute and getting bigger every day and as an added bonus he's very warm when he decides to be a "bundling board" on the bed at night (woohoo newlywed life). I'm totally not ready for classes to start next week. Mentally I still want a longer break - maybe the problem is our break was too long. Oh well. My hubby's business is getting ready to launch and I'll be sure to get the URL out to everyone when it does. :-) And our holiday cards will be extra late this year but do include pictures of the puppy and the hubby!
Hope things are going well with everyone else - it's time to go tackle the mess of my office.
Posted by
11:51 AM
Labels: conferences, pets, Teaching, vacation, Work
This one isn't cute like the other. I thought I'd record it for posterity. I house sat for Jennifer D. out in the country, and when it was time for me to leave Sunday morning, I carried Rusty to the car thinking I could get there and get him in before Billie showed up. Billie is the alpha dog at Jennifer's and a stout female bully who once picked Rusty up by the abdomen and shook him. So they hate each other and I keep them apart. Unfortunately, Billie caught up with us, my overnight bag had slipped off my shoulder and was dangling from my elbow so I was awkwardly hurrying to the car, and I couldn't get the car door open b/c it was so cold. Rusty was snapping at Billie from my arms, and Billie tried to get him. So I got him on the roof and thought it would be all ok - just get him in the car and close the door. But then I needed to get Sally in and thought Rusty would just cower in the corner, but he came charging back to get at Billie who was halfway in the car by then, so I tried to shove my overnight bag between them, then got bit twice in the arm by Billie. I had a thick fleece coat on and a sweater and long shirt, but it still left huge bruises on my arm and abrasion sores. Then I got the door closed, but Sally was still outside, and the three dogs, Billie, Dusky, and Sally, were all in a fight - I thought Billie and Dusky were attacking Sally - but it was Sally and Billie against Dusky! Sally was charging in and biting her. So I pushed them around with my feet and somehow got Sally away and into the car. The last part I don't remember. So then I went back inside to recover and keep an eye on Jennifer's dogs to make sure they were ok. They were bleeding. Rusty had chomped down on Billie's upper jaw and wouldn't let go - so her nose was bleeding horribly. But after about 1/2 hour I went back out to check on them and they didn't seem as bad as they 1st appeared. And Billie tried to lick Dusky's wounds and she wouldn't let Billie near her at 1st. The darn dog had just been attacking her a short while ago. But eventually they started grooming each other, and I was more composed for driving, so we left. And this was after waking up to water POURING down from the ceiling in their mud porch and the new bathroom area. The pipes had been frozen, and then thawed over night. I had gotten the water to the house turned off, and was relaxing and planned on coming back up to stay last night. But then the dog fight happened and we didn't go back. Now Rusty's lower eyelid is swollen. He looks like he had been in a fight. Sally is unscathed. I'm sore and still physically and emotionally tired. This is why I didn't become a veterinarian - can't handle animal emergencies.
The Society for Conservation Biology's 2008 meeting is in Chatanooga, TN in July. While I had no previous plans to go to SCB this year, a fellow knitter and I began talking about how
1) We would like to see each other
2) It's so cool that Cheryl is living with her husband in Chatanooga
3) SCB is a meeting relevant to our interests
4) It would be super-cool to go to good meeting and actually be the people who meet up with friends.
Anybody else interested?
Posted by
Sparkling Squirrel
2:07 PM
Labels: conferences, meeting
Posted by
7:05 PM
Hi Everybody!
Posted by
8:53 PM
I've been intently working on writing Chapter 3 of my thesis and doing revisions on the other 2 chapters. I now have a complete draft of the thesis, I'm working on adding a few more analyses and improving some sections that were weak. It's hard to believe it, but I might actually finish this thing.
Today, I got to take a break from writing and go to a "stitch & bitch" party - the first chance I've had to knit socially since I left Kansas! It wasn't quite the GBKs, but it was lovely and I got to meet some new cool people. The girl who hosted it says she plans to make it a monthly event, so I'm hoping that social knitting becomes a more regular part of my life again.
And of course the belly is getting ever bigger. This is a picture that Vlad took. I'm now at the point where random strangers (like the checkout clerk at the grocery store) comment on it and ask when I'm due. The general consensus is that I'm "carrying small" although I feel enormous already, and can't imagine what it will be like at full term. The baby is practicing her kicks and punches and perhaps some gymnastics, which is really nifty when it's not preventing me from sleeping at night.
Posted by
5:03 PM
I've been taking Sally to visit a couple homes for the developmentally challenged community. We go on Tuesday nights. There's a couple people that I didn't think cared either way about Sally, but Tuesday night we had one guy laughing his head off when I feed her treats right next to him. I ran into the home coach yesterday and she said the guy was asking about Sally! He talks nonstop, but it's all incoherent. I haven't heard him say anything that made sense, but I guess he does a bit. Also, the home coach said she was impressed that the blind woman there even reached out to touch Sally (she then ignores us both). So that's a big motivator that we're actually making a difference in their lives. Good luck with the giant blanket Lisa! Sounds like a great blanket to wrap up in!
Posted by
7:53 AM
Labels: cute animals, joys
I'm knitting a baby blanket for Kaliel, a very cool very young person of my acquaintance (my diplomat to Africa friend Brenda's daughter). I decided to make it out of cotton. I decided it would be simple stripes. I cast on some stitches. It didn't look like enough. I cast on some more. Still not enough. More cast on.
So, you all know enough about me to know the rest. The simple stripes theme interested me for three rows before I started experimenting with textural patterns which I keep changing. I decided that I would be doing vertical (long way) rather than horizontal (short way) stripes since it was obviously bigger than intended. I kept knitting. By the time it was big enough to really measure the length, it seems as if I cast on about 7 feet of stiches. Even at almost 2 feet wide it still has the proportions of a bright scarf. I'm scared about how long it will take me and I'm scared about someday casting off and finding out really how big this thing is. I'm haunted by visions of the fabulous 9+ foot scarf I made my friend Lisa (which I don't think she ever wore) from the caterpillar yarn.
I'll post photos someday, but in the meantime, I'm wondering if anybody has ever felted knitted cotton, or at least washed it on hot and shrunk it to be tighter. If so, did it work?
Posted by
Sparkling Squirrel
3:11 PM
Labels: knitting
I remembered my resolution! It's to not buy so much tea, not to buy multiple boxes just because it's on sale, and not to have more than 1 of any variety (like many earl grays). I tend to stockpile it, then it goes bad. I purged my tea and got rid of stuff I've had for years.
Posted by
11:35 AM
Labels: resolutions, tea
Nope, I have not seen that particular production, but the fact that it exists is yet another reason why I enjoy living in Iowa. I am not the ambassodor for Iowa that Nick L. of M.M.'s lab is (I can't think of more than a handful of famous people from IA offhand, but I'm guessing he could think of 20), but I have become attached to this state. 2007 was a year full of presidential candidate speeches, rallies, and commercials. I am grateful for the chance to hear the candidates speak in person, to ask them questions, and to participate in my local caucus. I am curious to see what happens after tonight!
Posted by
2:22 PM
Happy 2008, everyone! I know this isn't "beyond" rodents, but take a look at the "Dramatic Prairie Dog" if you haven't seen it already.
My New Year's gift to you all (especially Sparkling Squirrel). It always makes me laugh.
Posted by
8:11 PM