Hi Everybody!
Sorry I've not been able to keep up with the postings very well lately as Stelios and I have been adjusting to life in Chattanooga. But I now feel like I have a moment to let you all know what has been going on.
So here is a pic of our apartment door and our view from the front porch.

The big move(s) started from Santa Barbara on the 14th of December and we drove a Penske truck all the way to Chattanooga taking the southern route as it was snowing farther north. It took us 4 entire days and Stelios got sick at the end of it but we did have perfect weather - not a cloud in the sky the entire way! I found it very cool how the topography transitioned across the US and how the music on the radio changed along with it.
Here's a pic around the New Mexico and Texas border.
After getting his stuff into the apartment, we flew back to KC and drove to Nebraska for Christmas and spent a relaxing couple of days with my family. Then it was on to Lawrence to pack up my stuff. This was the total opposite of the previous move because we had to load everything while it was snowing, but we managed and my parents came along for the ride (they were helping with driving my car and they wanted to see Chattanooga as they had lived there before I was born).
As you can see, quite a different driving experience than before...
So for the past couple of weeks we've been unpacking and we are pretty much done. We put up some pics on the walls this weekend so now it feels more like home. I told Stelios that I think I have lost my identity for a little bit, too many changes all at once, I now have a TN drivers license, TN plates on the car, a computer at home and I have CELL PHONE! Oh well, I'm slowing making the adjustments. The Red Bank High School is just around the corner and I have been using the track for running, I can make my way around town pretty well now and Stelios is stressing out about teaching. He's gotten through a couple of lectures already and seems to be getting the hang of things, but of course, he isn't as ahead of everything as he would like. I think he may have to get used to that this semester at least.
It's been a nice place so far, lots of trees around. I've sent an email out to the knitting listserve that has our new address and phone numbers, so if you don't get those emails, just send me one directly and I will send you the info (chermurph@hotmail.com). The plan for me is to be going back to Lawrence at the beginning of February to spend some time in the lab, but the actual date depends on when our new Prius arrives! It's supposed to come in about a week or so... Until then, I'm keeping myself busy getting the lay of the land :)
Well, those are the highlights. Talk to you soon!
Thanks for the update Cheryl. I hope you adjust quickly, or at least it isn't to bewildering as you find yourself as part of a new place. For his sake, I hope Stelios manages to be as fully ahead as he would like but I must admit a smug satisfaction knowing tha he must be experiencing a very small bit of what for some of us is an everyday occurence (Vertebrate Zoology starts tomorrow! Ack!)
So good to hear from you! Sounds like you guys are doing fine. I remember all too well that "new place new everything" feeling. When I moved to KS, I didn't like giving up my DE drivers license... and then when I moved to PA, I was sad about giving up my KS license! If you get lonely or bored, feel free to give me a call.
I'm so happy for you and Stelios, Cheryl! I'm sure it must be quite an adjustment, but I hope you find lots of wonderful things to love about your new home.
So glad you are settling in in TN--even though it means we have to miss you on this end. I'm so happy that, at long last, you and Stelios get to be together for the little daily rituals that are so meaningful in the big picture.
Looking forward to seeing soon back in KS!
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