Monday, June 23, 2008

Large Data Set Reunion?

I was investigating scientific meetings we might reune at (Conservation Bio 2009 is in Beijing and probably out) when I came across an ESA/NSF workshop to use NEON Continental Scale Data in undergraduate classrooms. It's a 3 day workshop, Oct 2-4, NSF pays for the whole thing, and they are particularly looking for people from small, undergraduate institutions. I'm not sure we're what they're looking for, but I'd love to meet up with some of you and talk ecology.


Sparkling Squirrel said...

BSA is with the Mycological Society in Utah 2009.

Debbie said...

Where is it? Not that I qualify, but I couldn't find the location.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

It doesn't say. I'm assuming that they are either not wanting people to sign up for a free trip somewhere or will decide after they figure out where participants are coming from.

Beth said...

I can't apply since I don't teach ecology (as a course specifically). sigh. SICB is in Boston this January for other ideas.

Debbie said...

Maybe it's a conspiracy to get rid of all undergrad profs. that use data so that no one will ever teach the truth again.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

The nerd/sci-fi/horror mind of Sal Sis is something that somebody should mine-- but I'm not sure who or for what. The movie of undergrad professors who use datasets being mysteriously taken away would have a pretty limited audience. . . but SalSis would be there in the first row.

Debbie said...

Not if it was about global warming! A conspiracy to produce students who don't question the facts, then global warming can be covered up so aliens can use it to alter the earth, like in that movie with Charlie Sheen.

Tucson Trekker said...

How could I have gone 5 weeks without being privy to conversations like this one!?! I LOVE you guys!