Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Resolution remembered

I remembered my resolution! It's to not buy so much tea, not to buy multiple boxes just because it's on sale, and not to have more than 1 of any variety (like many earl grays). I tend to stockpile it, then it goes bad. I purged my tea and got rid of stuff I've had for years.


Erin said...

How long should you keep tea anyway? I know it loses its flavor over time, but does it really spoil? I'm sure I keep mine way too long, but I was curious if there is a guideline?

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Good question. My experience has always been that it becomes rather flavorless, but I have never had any that I really thought had spoiled.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

And I've had some very old tea, I might add. Of course, I also keep herbs until they are well past flavorless, and make-up much much longer than one is "supposed" to, so a guideline would be nice.

Debbie said...

Some of mine was years old and flavorless, so I decided to compost most of it and start fresh. I can now almost fit it all into one small drawer. Before it took up two small shelves, plus some shoving into a shelf of glasses.

Irene said...

I think tea keeps for about a year, or maybe two years if it's in one of those individual pouches.