Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Green Slug

So the "part animal, part plant headline" is a bit misleading, but boy is this cool.
Photosynthetic slugs (not from symbiosis) are knocking out Tasmanian Devil tumors as a new species as the hot topic of conversation around here. For one semester only we have four biologists in our office suite and the biological chemistry is great (probably helps that I hired all the other three in part because they fit in well)-- one biochemist/microbiologist, one invertebrate/cell physiologist, one wildlife ecologist/ornithologist and me. It's way cool. We actually discuss tumors and slugs . . .


Beth said...

nice! I missed that talk by one at SICB this year. But I watched the interviewer for science daily interview a few people about it. Very cool stuff - I knew there was a reason I loved the solar powered sea slugs.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Beth-- I saw that it was a SICB talk and was going to tell my students that one of my friends was there. Oh well. I might tell them anyway.

Erin said...

That is the prettiest slug I have ever seen...way cool!

Irene said...

I wonder why there aren't more animals that photosynthesize. Hmm. Very nifty, thanks for sharing it!

Abby said...

I didn't go to that talk because I saw the talk about this at the SICB meeting 2 years ago. I don't know why it took so long for this to filter to everyone else...but it was really cool when I saw this talk in San Antonio.