Sunday, January 24, 2010

Belated: Zoey's Appearance

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I've visited GBKD but have enjoyed getting caught-up. It sounds like everyone is doing well and keeping busy, and certainly many of us are working diligently on our F1 generations!

Zoey was born on October 1 and has been doing very, very well with nothing I can really complain about. She's thriving and has been an absolute joy to observe, since each day there is some new development. She's almost 4 months old; some of the difficulties of having a newborn seem like ancient history, not to mention how long ago it seemed that I was pregnant. Was there actually ever a time BEFORE that?

Today I started a blog on which I want to share our adventures with Zoey. I just have a single short post for now, but I plan to add to it often.

Finally, here's a recent photo:


Sparkling Squirrel said...

She is pretty darned cute.

Irene said...

Excellent! I hope I'll get to meet her some time - let me know if you guys are ever in the vicinity of Philly.

Molly said...

Sooo cute! What a beautiful little girl-- thanks for sharing her photo with us!

Beth said...

Awww. I also hope to meet her sometime soon.

Erin said...

She really looks like both of you and is so cute! Glad things are going well for you.

Jennifer said...

What a cute kid!