Well, as you know spending time away from your other half is not very fun (to put it mildly), but the reunion is always wonderful. So I have to spend a few moments bragging about my husband. I drove back to Chattanooga last a week ago Friday and what better way to be welcomed then by Stelios waiting for me in the doorway as I drive up, he had been cooking all evening so he had dinner waiting for me and he made some really good chocolate cookies :) He also surprised me with a new filing cabinet in my 'office' to help me out with school. What a guy :)
We also came to the conclusion that, pending weather, we would try to take a day on the weekend every week and try to do some exploring of Tennessee and the surrounding areas. So last Saturday we went caving! at Harold's Waterfall in Trenton, GA. Neither one of us had done that before and Stelios is wanting to start doing some research with cave insects so we signed up for a trip with the recreation services at UTC. It was pretty fun, got to crawl around on our stomachs, climb down ropes through holes and Stelios even collected a few insects to begin his collection.
Yesterday we went traveling northeast and drove along a scenic skyway in the Cherokee National Forest and ended up at Indian Boundary Lake - we also drove by Groundhog Mountain, in case anyone was interested :) It was a very pretty drive and area and I definitely think we will be going back in that direction again, and it's only a few hours away. We did do a little hiking but it was a bit chilly yesterday and we weren't dressed too appropriately, so we didn't do much, lots of rivers and creeks and we drove by the place that held the white water rapid/kayaking competitions for the 1996 Olympics.
Well, enjoy the pics and I will keep you updated on the new places that we find!