Friday, March 26, 2010

"Week ones get ait first"

Natural selection, according to one of my (very good conceptually, not so good with writing) students. One of those weak ones getting eaten in my 101 class, upset that he did poorly on a second exam, told me, "I studied my butt off for that one. I studied an hour and a half."
I'm not sure he appreciated it when I laughed at him, but I had to.
Next year I'll be with different students in a different state where I can at least fantasize nobody will get ait.


salsis said...

I'm conflicted - is it good that someone with those writing and English skills has the opportunity to attend college?

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Salsis-- I don't know. The greater conflict is if it is good that such a person will likely graduate from college with a good GPA.

Anonymous said...

So you will be moving? Congratulations on your new job - what will it consist of, and the Mister?

Beth said...

My first question would be - has said student completed their writing requirement and if so, you can do what I do which is send the sentence to you friend in English for a good laugh. But more importantly, congrats on the new job!

Sparkling Squirrel said...

I'll be teaching at Southwestern Oklahoma State University and the Mister will be doing some combination of programming, teaching, babysitting and taking math classes.