Monday, March 15, 2010

Meaning in airline tickets

Does anyone else struggle with purchasing airline tickets and the meaning behind each flight segment? I am going to a conference in FL and will visit an uncle I haven't seen in > 20yrs. Should I get there as early as possible to spend more time with him? If I get there that evening instead what does that convey - I want to spend less time (because it is $100 cheaper)? Now that I write this out it sounds silly, but I just spent 45 minutes agonizing about which flight segments to choose and what it means.


Sparkling Squirrel said...

Happy Birthday SS! Looking forward to buying you a drink this weekend. This is one of the few things that I don't attribute meaning to. My flight to KC next weekend, getting in at an inconvenient time is $300 cheaper than the other choices and I thought (rightly I hope) that you'd want to see me even if it was after your bed time.

salsis said...

There is meaning in $300!

Jenny said...

SalSis, I've been buying several plane tickets recently and struggle similarly, if it is any consolation. I might not always agonize about flight times when I'm planning things out but then suddenly I get cold feet right before I buy them and spend lots of time rethinking things. Sigh.

Jenny said...

Happy birthday a day late!!