Some pics from Logan

The bottom photo is the results of my wattle-fence building experiment. I've always wanted to make a wattle fence, but never had willow branches to try. At the end of this fall's yard clean-up, I found I had several lengths of really long branches (I don't know of what kind of plant). Alas, it is not the tightly-woven little fence of my imagination, but it was a lot of fun to try.
We have already had two snowfalls this Fall! Right now the snow is gone and the weather is crisp and beautiful. I am waiting for our trick-or-treaters to arrive, with a mountain of candy in hand. We were told that last year our block received 600 kids!
We had about 25 trick-or-treaters here (on the 30th-- call me old fashioned but I think that trick-or-treating should be on Halloween AND I think that "trick or treat" should be said).
We had about 40 or so, really thought we would have more as there are a lot of kids in this areas. I wonder if the flu scare kept kids inside.
I agree, Trick-or-treating should occur on Halloween and I didn't hand out candy until the kids said "Trick or Treat"
I am impressed with your fence.
We definitely didn't have 600 kids, but probably had at least 300. One of my neighbors must have spent hours on her decorations-- the yard was outlined with maybe 20 small pumpkins, each carved and sitting on a small brick over a candle. It was really nice... Can't imagine having that much time to spend carving pumpkins though. She also had 6 huge pumpkins carved really creatively sitting above and below a bench near her door.
What is the rationale for moving the trick-or-treating to the 30th?
We didn't get trick or treaters but we saw some on there way to the fancier houses by Obama... hrm.
We only had 1 group of kids come to our door. I think the lack of sidewalks (combined with the amount of traffic on our street) causes parents to go across the way to the development that does have sidewalks.
What beautiful pictures. They really make me miss fall. Our trick-or-treaters here have to eat their candy as they get it (because the chocolate melts in the heat!) So, by the time they got to my house half of them already had stomach aches. Next year I'm going to give out water or milk or something they can wash it down with.
I've only gotten a couple kids on my block, so now I go visit friends or turn off my lights and watch TV in the dark. Though this year I went to Branson with people in my church group. I really had fun with the people, think it was more my parents speed though. Cheese city!
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