Hawaii friends' tsunami
Hawaii forest friend - let us know what happened with the tsunami! The Japan earthquake is bringing back sad emotions from the Haiti quake.
Hawaii forest friend - let us know what happened with the tsunami! The Japan earthquake is bringing back sad emotions from the Haiti quake.
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8:14 AM
All is fine at 3000 feet where we live. I had to change my beach plans for yesterday and costco is sold out of everything, but no major damage for us. There was a lot of flooding at lower elevations, especially in Kona. This guy should get a Darwin award: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91Wh0_yNJhc
I don't think anyone was injured in Hawaii, just property damage. Thank goodness!
On a related note...does anyone know how to tell whether the jet stream will carry radiation from Japan to Hawaii? Especially since it is a la nina year? We are getting a little nervous out here in the middle of the ocean with nowhere to go.
I was watching the news today and they were saying that so far most of the radiation was staying in the lower atmosphere and not up in the jet stream. They also said that people in California shouldn't have anything to worry about, but unfortunately they didn't mention Hawaii at all. Will let you know if I hear anything more.
Wondering what the status was in Hawaii?
I know that Natapot had to evacuate from the part of Japan that he was living in since it was close to the areas with radiation. Not sure where he's staying though.
The first plume missed Hawaii and hit southern California. But "they" say that the levels were not high enough to be harmful. I don't know if I believe "them" as the information coming out of Japan seems to vary a lot.
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