Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ecotour logo opinion - round 2

-update - which of the color ones do you like better?-

Designing a bright yellow t-shirt for the ecotour guide in Haiti so his clients don't loose track of him inspired me to create a logo for his tours, and my educational program in Haiti. Though it's really about the ecotours. Which do you like better? Here's the parrot: On the front will be the guides name

(PS SpSq will be in town - email me if you'll be around and can come to our gathering).


Sparkling Squirrel said...

I'm not seeing any difference. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

bird balance

Anonymous said...

ephiphany - maybe I could position the bird so it makes a Z!

Tucson Trekker said...

definitely bird facing right because it does look like a Z. I like the rounded text and the green bird if another color isn't too pricey.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I don't like the fact I can't see them to let you know which one I like best. Think it was the middle one of the colored ones. The one clear to the right, the font looks too big, but the far left looks too small. Go for the porridge in the middle, ha!

Sparkling Squirrel said...

I like the tail extending through the letters

Jenny said...

I like the green birds best, and the third one from the left on the top row is my first choice. I'm impressed with your logo skills!!

Tucson Trekker said...

I like the right-most one too. Have you tried shrinking the parrot so the tail doesn't quite touch the bottom text? I wonder if that would look good. I do like it how it is, though, also. I like the front logo with the hummingbird best.

When is SpSq going to be there?