Saturday, October 9, 2010

Student answers that make you go "hmmmm"

SS's tales of student answers never fail to make me laugh. Given that the school where I'm teaching is supposedly populated with "high functioning" students selected for their intellectual prowess (or whatever), I was curious as to what types of answers I would see. Here's one from the stats exam I am currently grading:

"I don't have the formula on my notecard, so here's a picture of a mommy elephant and her baby." And yes, there's a picture of a mommy elephant and her baby.

The hubby says I should give this student an A+.


salsis said...

That brings back a memory of when I was around 5 drawing a naked man elephant and a naked woman elephant (in a shower I think). I don't think I got the parts right.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

So did you follow hubby's advice?

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Oh, and I learned yesterday that the difference between mitosis and meiosis is that mitosis is for "sexual/asexual reproduction" and meiosis "happens within the cell". The sad thing was this was a name your own question question.

Cathy said...

Sadly, student X got a zero.

Erin said...

At least the student was being honest and not trying to look it up on her iphone!