Monday, December 24, 2007

Resolution Beyond the Rodents

It's time to start thinking about resolutions for 2008 (and time that we had a more upbeat top post). Over on Sparkling Squirrel Year we're discussing what fun resolution can follow up sparkling wine, pink and rodents. I'd love your comments and I'd love to find out what you are going to do to have a consciously joyful 2008.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Sad News

In a fairly routine visit yesterday we found out that Ewaldina has no heartbeat and stopped growing a week or so ago. I'm having surgery today. While fully aware that miscarriages are common (sadly even among my dear friends), and that many couples later have healthy babies, which the Mister and I plan to do, at the moment I'm nothing but sad.

In other news, the floodwaters are rising here to the extent that they let out schools early yesterday so kids could get home, my in-laws in central Kansas have no power and there's a good chance they won't have it by the time we arrive for Christmas, and my cousins in Oklahoma have power, but still might not be able to leave their neighborhood because of down branches. How are all of you faring from the storm?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How'd ya do?

Hi All,

The hunger fitness challenge ended Sunday, so it's time to figure out how we all did, how much money we raised, and who gets to choose where we donate. Leave a comment if you're in on this one...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hobbies are good for your career

I was wasting time today, and read this column in the NY Times:

Since both our careers and love of knitting (and other crafts) brought us all together, I had to share it with you all. Apparently, pursuing your hobbies not only helps you feel good, but can make you better at your job. So, no more excuses for unfinished projects!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Last Week of Hunger Firtness Challenge

The Fitness for Hunger Challenge was only scheduled for 6 weeks (so that we can make a donation before Christmas), which, shockingly, means that this upcoming week is the LAST WEEK. Make it a good one.
Among those of you participating, who is doing well? What are your causes? I'll be sending TT another $5 at least (having just missed my goal 3 weeks and flagrantly missed it the last 2), so I won't be the one picking the recipient of our money. Will it be TT? Sal Sis? Beth? Molly? Where will our money be going?
If you're not traching your exercise but would like to contribute to hunger alleviation, I'm sure TT would pool your money into the group donation (and, while some of you are way into the electronic commerce, cash can be mailed in a card, despite the postal service not wanting you to do it). TT also kindly made new data sheets. E-mail one of us and we can e-mail it to you if you would like it.