Friday, December 14, 2007

Sad News

In a fairly routine visit yesterday we found out that Ewaldina has no heartbeat and stopped growing a week or so ago. I'm having surgery today. While fully aware that miscarriages are common (sadly even among my dear friends), and that many couples later have healthy babies, which the Mister and I plan to do, at the moment I'm nothing but sad.

In other news, the floodwaters are rising here to the extent that they let out schools early yesterday so kids could get home, my in-laws in central Kansas have no power and there's a good chance they won't have it by the time we arrive for Christmas, and my cousins in Oklahoma have power, but still might not be able to leave their neighborhood because of down branches. How are all of you faring from the storm?


Tucson Trekker said...

Oh Lisa, how awful! I'm so sad for both of you (and so is Nate). Would you like a phone call?

Irene said...

I'm so sorry... I will be thinking of you and mentally sending hugs. And the Mister has my sympathy as well - mine took it harder than I did when this happened to me.

Beth said...

I'm so sorry too!

Sendings ((hugs)) and sympathy your way. Give a call if you want to talk. From what I've heard the mister's tend to take it harder than the ladies so send a hugs or two his way too.

Abby said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. Although I have no idea how it feels to suffer such a loss, you have my sympathy. You're the 4th person I know to have had this happen this year, so it must be more common than I realized.

Erin said...

My thoughts and sympathies go out to you guys. I'm so sorry.

Cathy said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news. Take care of yourselves.

Jennifer said...

We were all sad to hear this news.You and the mister both have our condolences. And Lily says she would sit by you and purr if she could get to your house.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Thanks for all of your kind wishes and hugs. We're doing pretty well. Medically the surgery was a success and I am physically well, if a bit uncomfortable (and somewhat disconcerted that there is still what I preceive as a giant blood clot in my uterus and the doctor wants me not to be bothered when it comes out). The first tests are back and it was not a molar pregnancy (which I had never heard of, but now that I know they exist, am certainly glad it was not). I have an MRI scheduled for my brain in January and if that checks out also, along with the giant blood tests, I should be safe to try to become pregnant again in a few months. Emotionally I'm okay.
Feeling horribly horribly fat and distressed because I was one of those people who was actually glowing while pregnant and now I just feel fat, grubby skinned and brown haired (no offense to the brown haired among us) but know that with an upcoming road trip and holidays with the parents I am likely to eat too much and exercise little. . .
Anyway, thanks for all the virtual hugs. I have needed them and they are much appreciated.

Beth said...

Thanks for letting us know how you're doing! ((hugs))

Debbie said...

Agh - I'm traumatized now - I looked up molar pregnancy.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

As a brief follow up-- The giant blood clot did come up so I think that I may be done bleeding (sorry to traumatize you SalSis). I'm becomming Miss Miscarriage Advocacy (one cousin commented that I would be shocked at how many women are in this secret sad society with us, and I have been, but I think it's awful how secret it is. It doesn't make Ewaldina's death any less sad that it happens to lots of people, but I really think there needs to be increased awareness that this happens to lots of people).
Anyway, we do have power at the Mister's parents and they are great people to be with (those of you who know my mother will be amused that she thought it was great that I was going to be with the Mister's family because "they are so positive" [intended as a comparison with her-- 'cause she's such a downer apparently-- which is the amusing part] although she is really very visibly upset by this, and Dad was very excitedly filling Ewaldina's stocking)

So that's life here. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and are out celebrating the return of the sun too. Hugs

Irene said...

I agree that miscarriage needs to be better understood and more openly discussed. After mine, I was amazed at how many others I heard about, that I probably never would have known about otherwise.

Jenny said...

Love to you and the mister, and to your families.