Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Cheryl

Ecologist, teacher, soccer player, new mother and namesake for several (?) species of beetles, our friend Cheryl is a year older this week.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Birthday wishes

Celebrate Abby today and beyond!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sophie Dorothy Berg . . .

. arrived Friday (Oct. 14) at a healthy size (7 lb. 10 oz. and 19.5 inches). She and Beth are still in the hospital (c-section because Sophie was breach) but should be returning home very soon.
Obviously, she's a beautiful young thing and hoping for early admission to the Starfleet Academy.
Welcome Sophie!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Questions for Class Feedback

This semester, I'm being very nice to my class and giving them a few 'attendance quizzes'. As the course proceeds, I thought that these quizzes could be a good opportunity to get some feedback about the class if the student chose to do so. If so, the student would need to feel comfortable giving me feedback because their names would be on the paper.

So I was curious if anyone might have suggestions about questions I could pose to the students, try to get some feedback about the class, but have the student be comfortable about putting their name on the paper.
