Tuesday, April 13, 2010

6.8 Billion is reassuring

Despite the recent spate of babies among GBKs (and Norlosers, as it happens), global population is slowing down.
6,814,579,631 this morning
6,774,798,449 April 22 last year
6,663,013,026 April 22 2008
So, while one might think that adding almost 40 million people to the planet in a year* is despressing, it is truly making me giddy when I compare it to the 111.7 million that were added the year before.

*Actually 51 weeks. I am apparently doing this a week earlier. The 40 million new people are still more than 20 times the population of my state.


salsis said...

Notice the reference to Soylent Green on April 17, 2008 8:45 AM Sally's sister said: SS hit on the answer - consumption of humans aka soylent green. Maybe you should have your class watch it.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

The Mister thinks that this sort of change is impossible and that I have a reference error or something.
Anyone know?