Sunday, January 27, 2013

What cereal are you?

Hello all...

So sorry the ol' blog is so slow and I certainly haven't been helping.  I am enrolled in a teacher certification program now (HS biology teacher!) and my first assignment is to come up with a one-word cereal name that reflects some important attribute about me and design a cereal box.  I am stumped.  'Comprendo-O's?'  'Mommix?' 'Puffed Science?' Well, that's two words...

What would your cereal be, or do you just think this is a ridiculous exercise?  (My respect for the exercise has grown as I have tried to come up with something.)


salsis said...

You could just be LIFE cereal! That's what biology is! Maybe I'd be Pet-chow. That's all I do, work to feed the animals. And I'd put their cute little pictures all over the box.