Thursday, January 19, 2012

Shaking my world

Are any of the rest of you readers? Are any of you as sad about Heather and Jon separating as I am?


salsis said...

I don't know about the people, but I LOVE the dog photos! And captions, such as Since hyperbole and a half hasn't posted for a long time about her dogs, I may need to turn to the photos of Chuck.

salsis said...

Holy cow - there's even a calendar!

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Yep, Chuck and Coco are very cool and Jon misses them very much since he's moved out.
The annual dog Halloween costumes are fabulous.

Anonymous said...

I had never heard of the blog, but I checked it out and found myself tearing up based on the more recent entries. The dogs are crazy cute, as are the kids.

Sparkling Squirrel said...

I've been a regular reader since before Dianthus was born (Marlo, Heather's youngest, is a month older than Dianthus, so we were pregnant at the same time).
Heather's writing about her pregnancy was raw and hilarious. I've been up and down with this family for three years, yet I'm still surprised by how personally I'm feeling their separation.

Beth said...

I found it rather surprising too. I sort of hope more comes out about what happened.

Irene said...

I haven't kept up with in the last year and a half, but I'm definitely sad to hear about their separation. They seemed such a solid couple despite their quirks and conflicts.

salsis said...

Wow, I just spent the last 2 hours reading dooce and the husband's blog. Wish I knew about it when a friend back home had severe postpartum depression.