Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer plans

Hi All...

I'm kinda out of touch these days, but I thought I'd let you all know what I'm up to. I'll be in Lawrence in mid-July for a week (9th to 17th) and in the end of July Nate and I are moving to Ventura County, CA (don't know where, exactly). Nate got a job at a small university there (is it OK to say the name on a blog?). We'll go look for a house to rent sometime in June. Meanwhile, I'm doing full-time lab work trying to wrap up 3 different projects here in Tucson. I'm very sad to leave Tucson, although right now the heat is really bugging me. What's everyone else up to for the summer?


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Nate for getting a job! I am sooo happy - I got all the lab work done for one project - one more to go. And I will be able to spend the entire summer in Chattanooga! Going camping at Smoky Nat'l Park in a few weeks and both sides of the family will be visiting at the end of July. Busy, but I'm very glad that I'm in TN for a while :) Good luck finishing with your lab work

Irene said...

Congratulations to Nate! Sounds like a busy and exciting summer. As for me, I'm working at UPenn, gardening, and going out to Oregon for a week in mid-July. Also going to visit Sparkling Squirrel and her Mister in a week and a half.

Beth said...

Congrats to Nate! My summer is going to be spent teaching for 5 weeks (I start tomorrow) and writing up more papers (ack!). Also, we're trying to sell our house which is not so fun in this market. We're hoping to move to a house with a little more space and a bigger yard. We might be going to St. Louis for a wedding in June but other than that our travel plans are rather limited since the house needs to stay in order but we want to visit all of you. :-)

Erin said...

That sounds like an exciting move. Congrats to you guys! I will be mostly in Hawaii this summer with trips to conferences in New Mexico and Brisbane in August. There is a possible trip to a family reunion in Atlanta in between. Atlanta in August should be great, right?

Molly said...

I'm getting married in a few weeks, but other than that, nothing too much planned. I'm thinking of visiting Mich in Lawrence somtime this summer if I can figure out the logistics.
Congratulations to Nate! I hope you have a good move and enjoy your new home (same to you Beth!)

Jennifer said...

Congratulations to Nate. It can be an exciting but scary time.

Debbie said...

Field work almost every week! I'm worn out already from being out 2 weeks. Maybe visiting with TT in Lawrence!

Sparkling Squirrel said...

Congrats to Nate! I know it's all stressful (finishing projects, finding a new place to live, leaving a life you've come to enjoy), but I know that you and Nate will do well and you can think of me envying you in the land of fresh figs and avocados. Good luck.
We returned a few hours ago and my short term plans include weeding (everything grew while we were away) and clearing the basement stuff back to the basement (and thus out of the guest bedroom and dining room) before Irene arrives next weekend. I'm sadly missing Molly's wedding and not going to get to see my nieces before they move to Germany, but will see both sets of parents in June and likely both in August or September. I'm doing a one-week summer program for high school teachers later in June and a three week high school biology camp in July.
And I intend to give birth to a nice 7 and a half pounder.